Saturday, December 31, 2011

What do people think of Christianity ?

As a whole, I enjoy learning about science, beliefs, religions,
philosphy (Education, religion, and seeking truth - It beats the
Hollyweird media that is presented as entertainment). I really think,
it doesnt matter what a person believes- as long as people treat each
other respectfully, keeps the peace, and make a good neighbors - all
is well imo. I recently read a article stating a certain religion
(Mormonism) is a cult.

In review of Mormonism (with the majority of religions including the
bulk of Christanity) – it does qualify for a “religious following”
that has some really obvious contradictions against the OT/NT
scripture and history (just as the blog has stated).

( DISCLAIMER -please dont interpret this as a slam against Mormonism -
it isn't. I have a number of Mormon friends and ADMIRE and have the
HIGHEST regard to their family values, practices and character. Being
Jewish and a disciple of Christ, I just don't "get" Mormon Theology).

After thinking about it - I was wondering what do people think of when
they look at the Christianity and what it stands for ? How about a
introspective view ? It is always a good idea to consider both
viewpoints before judging (we are to judge ourselves - this is what
the scriptures say the last time I checked).

In review of Western Christianity as a whole – it does qualify for a
“religious following/cult ” too imo.

There are SO MANY current practices that are clearly against the
OT/NT scriptures.

Allow me to point out a few of the "screaming obvious" Christian practices that are
anti-scriptural points of the teachings of Christ and the apostles.

- TV Evangelist/ Churches begging for money while wearing $1000 +++
suits and other things( Jesus never asked for money)

- Church Laity (never mentioned - Paul mentions the Body of Christ.
What is in place today is modern pagenism from the study of scriptures
and documented history).

- Building Churches and programs instead of giving to the poor,widows,
and orphans as commanded in the OT / NT

- Salvation as "a ticket" to heaven (no where does it say - when one
dies they go to heaven). Salvation involves real repentance and is all

- Accept Jesus / 4 steps of salvation ( Not scriptural - Discipleship
is life encompassing )

- Lack of real discipleship teaching / repentance ( Not scriptural)

- Perversion of Pauls teaching turning forgiveness into license to
continue in sin (2 Peter 3:15-17). This is a big deal. Educated
theologians have jumped on board and have done the same thing.

- Grace/rapture theology that teaches a change in location vs. a
spiritual / moral change into the image of Christ ( this is a whole
different topic itself -it is about change and not change of location)

- Loss of the original message of the Kingdom, Repentance, and,
Baptism ( John the Baptist, Christ, and the apostles taught this –
check it out).

- Casualness of Christianity - Lukewarm is NOT a good thing- Rev. 3:16
and a whole mess of other parables (talents, sower, tares, unfaithful
steward, virgins, wedding feasts etc...)

- Salvation is a process and is conditional (Mark 13:13, Matt 13 just
to name a few)

- Restored fellowship is the goal and the reward is Eternal life
(Eternal life is mentioned 43 times in the NT and a whole mess of
times in the OT)

If Christ were to come today – I sincerely  believe 98% of the
Christian religious leaders would persecute Him just as the Jewish
Pharisees did. Why ? Because Westen Christianity itself has turned
into a money begging religious cult that no longer resembles Christian
Discipleship in the NT bible. Christ always comes in a way we don't
expect Him nor the time ( ie very low key and different than people
think). The Jews didnt recognize their Messiah and neither did Herod.
However, the thief on the cross did ( who would expect to see the
Creator of the Universe on a cross ? May I suggest, He is found at the
least likely and most humble of circumstances).

I have met only a handful of "real deal" Christian disciples that
actually "walk the talk" and it is obvious in their actions,
character, morals, and integrity. They are not flashy and are the most
down to earth humble people I have met. Needless to say, I covet to be
like them  in a "good way" to imitate them as they imitate Christ and
the apostles.

What hit me - God doesn’t need money, someone once said - "He is
literally the richest Jew in the universe".

He always pays for what He orders ( remember Corneilius the Roman centurion ?).

He is after individuals who will lay aside “everything” and blindly
follow after Christ as the Apostle Paul did. God deals with
individuals who obey and love Him – the scripture clearly points this
out in OT / NT.

I concluded if a persons Christianity is a "religion / attending
church" and not a "real relationship with Jesus" then may I suggest
that one is involved in a money grabbing religious cult ? Following
Jesus means obeying His commandments and it is very demanding - if one
is serious about this - Jesus becomes real and a relationship begins
as Christ becomes very very real. It actually becomes "easier" to obey
/ follow despite harder situations (people will do anything for a good
friend - this is where obeying Christ becomes easier).

As usual -  check out the scriptures and if you don't believe me or
them..... ask Jesus for yourself:)

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