Saturday, December 31, 2011

Components of successful marriage

I have my nose in Human Anatomy & Physiology and came up with a couple thoughts on why some marriages work and some don't.

Here is a refresher in Chemistry. There are different kinds of chemical bonds- Ionic, Polar covalent & Nonpolar covalent. 
The strongest bond is the Nonpolar covalent and the weakest is ionic bond.

Thinking about it - marriage bonds ARE exactly the same way.

-Nonpolar covalent is the equal sharing of electrons/ charge is balanced:   O=C=O
-Polar covalent is the electron charge is unequal sharing of electrons:           O- 
(there is negative charge at one and positive at the other end )                    /   \                                                                                                                                                                   H+  H+
-Ionic is the complete transfer of electrons (separate ions):    Na+Cl- 

Here are some thoughts that hit me:

There is NO WAY for a person to find happiness as a individual. 
Men and women are incomplete as individuals.

Marriage / happiness doesn't work with two independent individuals. 

When women choose careers/competitiveness/self will it will destroy Marriage/Children/Family/ Happiness. 
There is VAST difference between a partnership and a union.
Union is when two people separate their individuality/superiority but not their identity.
In other words, united = unity = one being 

Women are designed to be in union with a man. 
Both have to surrender their individuality to form a union

If union can not be made- then impotence, self centeredness,regression are the consequences.
Another reason why marriages don't work  - incompatible material (next chapter:)

In conclusion, marriages based on incompatible bond of  partnership  
(multiple independence/money/careers) will be broken.
Happiness will be destroyed.

Marriages that is based on a compatible bond of union (equally dependent) will succeed. 

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