Monday, February 6, 2012

What do people think of Christianity ? PART II

I recently had some free time on my hands and posted on a "Christian" blog in regards to Mormons Part I.

During the discourse- the blog owner took a comment that I made and started another blog from it.  I have no idea why he found it interesting, regardless he quoted me and proceeded to start a new blog with the comment I had made.

Despite the unintentional mistake of misinterepting my original posting of  "enter the kingdom"  as mentioned in Gal 5" vs. "what is required for a Christian to get into heaven". Which are two screaming obvious totally different topics even to a unlearned unbeliever. One is scripture based and the other is a long standing unscriptural tradition. One Christian actually thought that turning away from "Fornication, impurity, indecency, idol-worship, sorcery; enmity, strife, jealousy, outbursts of passion, intrigues, dissensions, factions, envyings; hard drinking, riotous feasting, and the like" is "considered a single sided work".

Btw this is context for Gal 5

16This then is what I mean. Let your lives be guided by the Spirit, and then you will certainly not indulge the cravings of your lower natures.
17For the cravings of the lower nature are opposed to those of the Spirit, and the cravings of the Spirit are opposed to those of the lower nature; because these are antagonistic to each other, so that you cannot do everything to which you are inclined.
18But if the Spirit is leading you, you are not subject to Law.
19Now you know full well the doings of our lower natures. Fornication, impurity, indecency, idol-worship, sorcery;
20enmity, strife, jealousy, outbursts of passion, intrigues, dissensions, factions, envyings;
21hard drinking, riotous feasting, and the like. And as to these I forewarn you, as I have already forewarned you, that those who are guilty of such things will have no share in the Kingdom of God.
22The Spirit, on the other hand, brings a harvest of love, joy, peace; patience towards others, kindness, benevolence;
23good faith, meekness, self-restraint.
24Against such things as these there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their lower nature with its passions and appetites     

So, according if one crucifies their lower nature with its passions and appetites by the Spirit - it is a "laugh - a single sided work". Interesting take on Pauls writing - Paul warned about this as did Peter, Jude, and pretty much everyone else.

What followed after that was interesting for everyone who participated (  I am doing my best to be introspective).  Btw, I waited to drop the bombshell of asking for 1 scriptural reference of "heaven being the goal".
 From there it got "interesting" with the fellow brethren / sisters who intentionally  twisted of the scriptures in a attempt to provide a single scripture of "heaven being the goal".

Needless to say - it got accusatory, mean and ugly. Rather unfortunate for brothers and sisters of Christ. It went even so far as to make a fake profile, names, and a song with lyrics, and site !!!! WOW !!!!! I am flattered to be considered a "insane"  and "delusional" and "whacked" for Jesus. They said the same thing of John, Jesus, and Paul. 

What I posted on a previous blog "What do people think of Christianity" turned out to be scary true.
Here are a couple:)


Salvation as “a ticket” to heaven (no where does it say – when one dies they go to heaven).

- Accept Jesus / 4 steps of salvation ( Not scriptural )

- Lack of real discipleship teaching / repentance ( Not scriptural)

- Perversion of Pauls teaching turning forgiveness into license to continue in sin (2 Peter 3:15-17).

- Grace/rapture theology that teaches a change in location vs. a change in character

- Loss of the original message of the Kingdom, Repentance, and,


- Casualness of Christianity – Lukewarm is NOT a good thing- Rev. 3:16

and a whole mess of other parables (talents, sower, tares, unfaithful

steward, virgins, wedding feasts etc…)

- Salvation is a process and is conditional

- Restored fellowship is the goal and the reward is Eternal life

Summary !!!!
Mormons really DO know the KJV bible better than Christians

-Mormons dress and act like Christians. Take a look at the bulk of Mormon family vs. the bulk of the modern Christian family. The behavior and the dress is vastly different. Mormons do a great job of coming out of holiness in speech and conduct.

Btw, If Christ were to come today – I sincerely believe 98% of the Christians would persecute Him or leave Him.

Kudos to Mormon Christians - you are better disciples than most Christians.
Here is a example beside the cursing and such.
As mentioned I am flattered and ECSTATIC to be associated with the "despised few".  Many thanks to "Unscrupulous Man" !!! The Lord bless you, heal you, and keep you.

When I take it prayer - a couple of scriptures come to mind.
44But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
45so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
48You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

As He has forgiven me I must do the same or I will not be forgiven. There is something powerful of forgiving and praying for those who persecute you. I can see the higher the calling the greater the capacity and ability to do what Jesus commanded in regards to prayer and forgiveness.  Bob T. mentioned is was a good idea not to argue "theology" even if it is in regards to righteousness ( he isn't kidding).

Btw, here is the melody and the posting :) As mentioned earlier - this is from a fellow Christian brother - "he has a gift like no other brother " of which Titan & I agree:

Below is ‘Scrupe’s ode to Antipas. (To the tune of If I Only Had a Brain)
He loves posin’ with his doggie
And postin’ on our bloggie
Makin’ sinners out of saints
And with his Bible quotin
He’s been boastin’ and a gloatin’
Makin’ sinners out of saints
He unravels ev’ry scripture
And paints a damning picture
Makin’ sinners out of saints
With all the words he’s spewin’
He’s got all the bloggers fumin’
Makin’ sinners out of saints
Oh, why Cat’ tell us why
We must endure this bore
He sounds like preachers we have heard before
Who had us running for the door
He’s been huffin’ and a puffin’
Spewin’ lots of nothin’
Like a cloud that gives no rain
He should take a long vacation
From all all his accusations
Makin’ sinners out of saints
If he’d leave there’d be less fightin’
Though I’m sure we’d all miss Titan
Antipasta is insane
Scrupe also did us the favor of singing the song as well. 

Btw, here is the link...


  1. You have re-posted my copyrighted song without permission. Remove it immediately, or I will report the violation to Blogspot and have it removed and your blog suspended for copyright infringement.

  2. Hey Stalker Man ( 0 members and profile views 55- WOW !!!!),

    I think your the first visitor !!!! You are the first poster – CONGRATULATIONS !!!!
    You are a luke warm Christian on their way be entering into the Kingdom !!

    -Blessed are the Disciples & Friends of Christ for they are the Kingdom
    -Blessed are the prideful for they shall inherit heaven.

  3. Its copywrited??? You own the copyright "If I only had a brain".
    I'll believe you as soon as I see it ( ie If I only had a brain) LOL...No pun intended :)

  4. I've filed complaint with blogspot.

    I make one post, to enforce my copyright of original lyrics, and I'm the stalker?

    You are one sick puppy.

    1. Okay... Didn't you make the song :)
      Dude - reality check time !!!! Seriously making a song about another guy ?
      Titan & I are flattered - this is the first time we have been "serenaded".

  5. Last reply.

    The comment you attribute to me above, came from the City Business Church blog, not this blog, so yes, you did call me a stalker after just one post on this blog.

    To clarify your claims of persecution, allow me to point some things out to you and your readers, of which I appear to be the only one.

    The City Business Church blog was started about 8 years ago as a parody of City Bible Church in Portland, Oregon, for the express purpose of reproving and parodying that church. In fact, until just 3 months ago when the blog owners upgraded the Wordpress software on which it runs, the blog masthead said clearly "A parody of City Bible Church. Please do NOT send us your tithe."

    As a PARODY blog, there have ALWAYS been people who have adopted comical screen names for the purpose of having fun and contributing to the ongoing parody. DO please look up PARODY in the dictionary, Antipas.

    Wrapped up in all the parody, were some very serious eye-witness accounts and criticisms of the real City Bible Church, their heavy-handed, controlling and manipulative style of leadership, the abusive and harmful doctrines, etc.

    Over time, after fending off threats from current members of CBC and a threatened lawsuit or two brought by CBC, the parody blog became a place where people who had been wounded by City Bible Church and other Ministers Fellowship International (MFI) churches, to gather, share their stories and hurts, listen to and affirm one another, and begin healing. Naturally, that is done with emotion ranging from anger, frustration, and disappointment to the bittersweet humor of it all.

    Concerning your behavior there, Antipas, you came to the blog abruptly without a word of personal introduction and no one there knew you. From day one, you adopted an attitude of superiority and attempted to lord it over the long-term regular bloggers there, lecturing them with pages of copied and pasted scripture quotes from your Bible software, strung together with judgmental invective and inference, while demanding answers to your questions, the answers to which you would evaluate to determine whether the person was worthy of your time to reply to them. You volunteered not a single thing about yourself that might have served to warm readers toward you as person they could begin to trust and form a friendly relationship with. Instead, you acted in an authoritarian and haughty manner like that of the abusive task-masters and hirelings of CBC, et al, from whom they made their escape and turned to the blog as a kind of refuge and gathering place.

    Naturally the readership reacted to your upsetting behavior, reproving you, while trying to help you see the error of your ways. Naturally your behavior prompted someone on the blog to parody you. Parody is what a parody blog does, Antipas.

    As for whether or not this counts as some kind of persecution against you, or qualifies as a jewel in your crown, you need the reality check of scripture where persecution is concerned. The apostle Paul was beaten, lashed, stoned, imprisoned and ultimately beheaded for the gospel. That is the standard for assessing persecution for the gospel.

    What you refer to as persecution was simply the FREE SONS and DAUGHTERS of the Lord standing up to you and reproving your passive aggressive and openly hostile behavior. That is no persecution at all.

    Even when reproved, you continued on in your abusive and haughty manner, to the point the owners asked you to leave.

    Had you shown the least bit of love and compassion toward others, you'd likely have been welcomed and engaged as a friend and brother. But you ignored every plea to give of yourself in an open, honest, personal and friendly manner.

    The song, a parody, is simply an expression of what I and many others observed about your behavior on the City Business Church blog.

    Please, DO NOT post there again.


  6. Yawn... Good Morning Antiscriptural Man.

    Been praying for you - Looks like the Holy Spirit is working on you:) - I havent posted there but you are posting here and at 5:56 am ??
    What is your problem ? I guess my response is not what you expected ( it was Titans idea). Christian disciples are to harmless as doves /shrewd as serpents and not evil which has a element of stupidity - things dont go as planned - do they ?

    Again I am not posting there and havent. Why would I ? Seriously - a blog was started by a my reply and clearly misinterpreted ( honest error on the owners part). I have not done any ad hominem - but you have and even wrote a song - and you are here accusing me. LOL - My conscience is clear.

    Everyone has their own "situation" - what is yours ?
    Take it to Jesus - He is far bigger than any problem and He like to help out ( He tends to show up at the 5ft mark as one is descending off a 1000 ft building - He loves a dramatic entrance or at least that how He works with me).

    Allow me to suggest Get into the word and get some alone time with Jesus.

    Trust me dude - Titan & I am not your problem despite what you think ( Read this out loud 5 x's)

    Despite what you think - what was posted is scriptural and I didnt attack - however you and others did. You and others have been taught wrong, cant read the scriptures, and have "grace / heaven" goggles on. Its not that hard to overcome know sin- God expects it. Just stand up - pray, and ask Jesus for help. He has all power in the universe ( mind boggling ). The water is only waist deep. I am speaking from personal experience and my relationship with Jesus. I didn't attack anyone - I stayed in the scriptures and pointing out the OBVIOUS ERRORS what was posted. In addition, I didn't twist the scriptures nor mis-represent them.

    Again, a very talent lawyer somehow concluded that "not entering the Kingdom" was the same as "requirements for Christians to get into heaven".
    - Here are the screaming obvious errors of that translation that I didnt point out - but since you wrote a serenade for Titan and me. Here you go:

    - Does this strike anyone who reads this as a "hell damming" question" ?
    - Only Christians go to heaven ? ( the question inferred this)
    - What about the rest of the people of the world ? Do they go to hell ? ( that is what is inferred)
    - The context was a Christian who continues in known sin referred to in Gal 5 will not enter the Kingdom ( that is very very clear - how requirements to got to heaven clearly shows "beer/bible goggles".

    I think your complaint is with Jesus and truth - go to Him and ask Him "what gives" much what like Paul did when he received a "thorn in the flesh and he sought the Lord 3 times - turns out it was from God all along.
    If you need specific prayer - let me know and I will take it before the Lord on your behalf.


    Mike & Titan
